Tuesday, February 03, 2004

The Russians in the 16th century were far worse than the Indians arnd the same time!! Sexism knows no boundaries, I guess! And here I was, thinking Manu was the worst of the lot, with his Manusmriti! And how do you divorce your wife? Push her into a convent, make her a nun, so that you can go get married again, etc etc etc. Plus other, typical stuff- Women to be cloistered, not to be given any responsibility, etc.

I get terribly irritated/annoyed/angry when I read stuff like that- I take it personally (What would i have done, etc etc). But I guess thats not really the right way to look at it, coz Aishu-2001-India has a different perspective from Aishu-1656-Russia. Probably, Aishu-1656-Russia wouldnt have minded it unless she had the 2001 perspective- which throws up an interesting question- what causes the problems in life? is it the situation, or is it merely your take on it? Do rebels invest their happiness for the betterment of society (read progress)?

As you can, see, Peter the great is coming along well. Currently, at the impressionable age of 10 (!), he has faced the Streltsy revolt. Which has generated in him a fear/dislike of even Moscow! So what does our man do? once he becomes Tsar or Russia, he builds St Petersburg, the new capital of Imperial Russia. And so the saga continues.


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