Thursday, April 27, 2006

Depressing, saddening, what not

My first reaction is one of white-hot anger- how could anyone do this?? It hurts all the more, now that I have a lovely baby daughter. What if the same thing had happened to her? Be responsible enough to atleast ensure that you don’t create a life you are incapable of taking care of.
There is a larger issue here – it is possible that if sex-determination were not banned, this child might not have been- certainly, would not have been found at a railway track in, of all things, a plastic zipper bag. What would be better for her? Considering the options now open to her, I would say, the former.
Unlike most people I know, I am not against abortion, per se. I would never ever dream of aborting any baby of mine, but I would never actively oppose any body who wanted to actually do it. I would, of course, urge anyone to take all precautions to ensure that they don’t end up with a baby they don’t want (hello? Ever heard of birth control??), but at then end of the day, if you would rather murder your baby instead of bringing her into the world, I wouldn’t wish you (as the parent) upon ANY unsuspecting child.


At Thu Apr 27, 12:01:00 PM GMT+5:30, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there anything more saddening than the deliberate, personal cruelty of a human being towards another?

At Thu Apr 27, 01:26:00 PM GMT+5:30, Blogger Aish said...

Yes- deliberate, personal cruelty towards another human being incapable of protecting itself, especially one YOU are supposed to nurture


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