Thursday, April 01, 2004

THats one year of my life over! :(. Now at the Grand ol' age of 25! Thats a quart of a century, and a perfect square. I happen to like perfect squares- they are very interesting numbers- but 25 suddenly seems terribly old!
I've always liked numbers, dont know why. Each number has a character, you know. 4, for instance, is a pleasant easy going number. Numbers divisible by 4 are very easily identfiable. 2 is boring. I view it as one of those goody-goody numbers. Every other number (literally!) is divisible by it! Three is okay. 5 is nice, too, but again, not very interesting. 11 is really cool. Its got a really nice pattern associated with it. Its extremely symmetrical, for one. For obvious reasons, associate 11 with the pyramidal structre. 7 is terrific, too. Its kinda mysterious. theres really no set pattern associated with it. It keeps popping up every now and then. Okay, am blabbering, I know. But if you really start observing numbers, you get a feel for them. and thats really interesting.
Yesterday was pretty nice. Suresh had bought this huge, sinfully rich chocolate cake. and candles. I cant remember the last time I had candles on my birthday cake! In fact, for the last ten or so of my birthdays, the cake has followed a standard pattern- I would bake one on the evening of the 30th (yes, me myself!). by 11:00 PM, 30th march, it would be nice adn warm. Everyone would then attack the poor thing, and by 12:00, we would have finished most of it. suddenly some one would remember- and say, "hey, Aishu, Happy Birthday":. :). But it used to be good fun. Yesterday was fun, too. just different.

Gotta go.


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