Friday, May 12, 2006

A good hard look at myself

Usually avoid doing that- few of us feel comfortable looking at ourselves the way we REALLY are. Sud, you arent one of those, are you? That is probably one of the things that gives you the calm air you generally carry around yourself. If I were poetical, I would probably say, Sud is most like an oasis of tranquility in a sea of turbulent emotions. Sud is the Maughaum of my friends.
Some bad adjectives abt myself:
1. Irresponsible
2. Lazy
3. Tendency to intertia
4. Tendency to get bogged down by little things
5. Inability to know what I really want
6. Lack of the instinct to go after the things I really want

I started writing about the good adjectives about myself, and found I couldnt proceed! What have I become? There are several things i used to pride myself of being earlier - kind, fair, honest, generous... and in all honesty (!!!) I dont think they apply to me anymore. I seem to be more cynical, less intelligent, less honest... WHY?

Have to keep up with this.


At Fri May 12, 03:38:00 PM GMT+5:30, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. I use the same adjectives for myself now

2. I think we are both being too harsh on ourselves. Its just a question of figuring out whats dormant and waking it up

- Sudeep

At Fri May 12, 04:21:00 PM GMT+5:30, Blogger Aish said...

Yeah, but how?


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