Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Words and phrases I hate

Words and phrases I hate having to hear people use
1. Free Gift: Now what the hell does this mean? An oxymoron if I ever saw one! Ever heard of a gift that’s not free? Crazy!
2. Crèche (p. Kresh): Am forced to include this word here out of pity for it. It must be the most abused word in the english language. Pronunciations of this poor word vary from "krech" to "kreech" to "kreche" (the last being a typically tam failing - adding a vowel to the end of a word - like schoolu, collegu, and other mistreated words). I should simply skreech and walk away in disgust.
3. Rendezvous (P. Rawndevoo). And not rendesvous or any damn thing like that. Not only do we, the so-called english-speakers murder english, we have to be fair and just in mistreating other languages also. We very happily murder french through Rendesvous, and faux Pas (p. Fo Pa, not Fox paws) and what not. Unfortunately for me, my literary brilliance does not extend beyond a modest capability in French and an absoulte minimum of German (ja, nein, mein, etc - so no exaggeration when I say absolute minimum!).
4. Croissant - Oh god, this a simply super- and the blame for this should surely fall upon the hot breads and other establishments of the world, introducing people to this mighty confection, without educating them on how it is to be read - "krwasan". Not croysant. Its actually a nice pastry, but my taste of it is forever ruined by memories of the croysants of this world.


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