Friday, May 12, 2006

When memories come creeping upon you

Some memories just leap upon you unawares- have been wanting to write about them for a looooong time now, and here goes:
1. Steve pulling my leg during Fr Jesurajan's "Presentation Skills" sessions - the creep.
Fr Jesurajan was making some extremely caustic remarks about how your accent gives away which part of the country you are from - he was specifically talking about a couple of guys with a very pronounced Eastern Indian accent. Steve being who he is, remarked that he could easily make out that I am Tam from my accent. I being who I am (too earnest, paranoid about my language, and generally too stupid to recognize jokes when I hear them), actually asked Jesurajan "What do you think I should do to improve my accent". The poor fellow must've been shocked. Here he is, lecturing away a la Prof Higgins to legions intent on murdering the language (last Part = last "F"art, Xavier = Jabier, abode = ah-bowd, crazy = crajee, please = pleej, and so on), and a perfectly respectable speaker of the language is asking for advice. He gave me a dirty look and dismissed me with - "Your accent is fine". A "Shoo, go away" was implied, but my intelligence wasnt up to catching that. It required a horrified "You actually went and ASKED him??" from Delna to realize that I might as well get the word "Jackass" tattoed on my forehead.
2. "Caste, Sex No Bar!".
Before you start laughing, this wasnt me. This was Sreela. My memories of childhood are littered with sreela-isms. the above was about a (then) trend in matrimonial ads, "Caste No Bar". Sreela was extremely appreciative of this- "Things are improving these days, you know- now a days, its all, "Caste no bar, sex no bar..". Other Sreela-isms include - "I think all the women, except the men, know you very well(!!)". And lots more, that I have to look back in my mind to remember.


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