When I feel vindicated abt what I do as a parent
Buying books for Sanjana. Folks generally laughed at me when I bought a Dr Seuss for Sanjana when she was about 6 months old- but guess what? Today she actually seems to enjoy my reading out from it!I bought "Hop On Pop" by Dr Seuss- I have always felt bad about not having been introduced to Dr. Seuss as a kid- and she always liked it. Ofcourse, I bring my silliness into full force (not that thats difficult with Dr Seuss- You cant possibly say "Three Tree - Three Fish IN Tree - Fish in A Tree, HOW can that BEEEEEE", be serious when you do).
Sanjana laughs at this. Suresh of course, cribs that I pay 300 bucks for a book of 10 pages, and that too, for a kid who cant talk yet, talk about read. Philistine!! :))
Now her collection has expanded - she has an ABC book, a "Spot's Birthday Party" book, a book of nursery rhymes, A touch and Feel book of pets (Suresh: 5 pages for 300 bucks).
I had always hoped that any child of mine would grow up to be happy, confident, secure (of their mother's love, that is). These are generic hopes. Specific to ME, I would love them to be fond of books. That is close to a desparation with me. I married into a family where the only books that are approved are "educational" types. At max, the self-improvement type (yikes). Small wonder that I feel exhilarated when I detect INTEREST in sanj while I read out to her. Today was probably the first time she seemed to relate the text and the accompanying pictures. Keats' Cortez's feelings are nothing to how HAPPY I felt.
Its a curse of mom-dom, to go on about their kidsl, though I have spared you from it auite a bit. You have to forgive the occassional lapse, though!
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