Still ploughing through capt. corelli. The problem with this book is, am not too sure how much of it is factual. Was the Italian High Command as spineless as this book projects it to be? That seems slightly improbable. But the description in the book makes it sound highly probable! Corelli, of course, is larger than life. Hes one of those characters in books who make navie women actually believe that there are guys who are kind, thoughtful, intelligent, decisive, talented, understanding, brave, honorable... ALL AT THE SAME TIME! I dont like these overly good characters- why do I never meet people like that!! Like calvin says, Lifes never unfair in my favor! REad somewhere that this book is one of those work of art, kinds. but why? May I will be able to figure out once I am actually through with it!
Got to go, bye!
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Aish's Blog- interests include Philosophy, Reading, Music...
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- A Poem for laughs:: The Purist I give you now Pr...
- Just finished Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco. Did...
- whew! Just back from the US Consulate. Yours truly...
- THats one year of my life over! :(. Now at the Gra...
- GOt my first share investment this week- I was all...
- Check out today's Calvin & Hobbes: http://www.ucom...
- End of the week! AND Krishna's coming tomorrow! Yi...
- My post is really late this week. Almost at the en...
- A mad week! Totally hectic! and its just beginning...
- What are the best books that you have ever read? ...
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