Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Poem for this day

A truly delightful poem from, where else, but Minstrels?

"Dream Interpretation"

Everything's either
concave or -vex,
so whatever you dream
will be something with sex.

-- Piet Hein

Quoting from Minstrels, again,
"Epigrammatic" is too weak a word for today's poem - it is one of those
poems that seems to have been written to be quoted. It has that combination
of insight and pithy phrasing that make it almost irresistible to drop
into a discussion wherever appropriate (and often when not!), and needless
to say, I have been far from immune to the temptation. (Anecdotally, it
really does work to get someone off that particular hobbyhorse - there is
nothing much one can say in reply to it.)

I suspect part of my liking for the poem is the fact that Hein shares my
annoyance with the overpervasive aspects of dream interpretation and Freudian
psychology (in another of his grooks he says

She gave me hope
she gave me love,
with bounty unalloyed.
But what she had of faith,
she gave to Freud.

As an aside, my apologies for my disappearance for over a month. Been too tired, not enough in the mood for blogging.