Friday, April 16, 2004

Bad week. We'd planned for a demo to the client on thursday. And EVERYTHING that could go wrong, actually did go wrong. First, teh application server crashed. Next, I learnt that the hard disk could not be retrieved. Then I find out that my database was stored on the now defunct hard disk! boy! Plus my entire team was unavailable. Two guys on leave and one lady in a training. All hell broke loose, quite naturally. Wednesday evening, the Delivery Head in the floor below mine asked my WHY I was looking hassled! WHY! crikes. Added to all this was the fact that my back-ups were all old! I was supposed to take, but never got around to doing so. Like Calvin says, theres no problem so bad that you cannot add guilt to make it feel worse.
I plan to start modelling my life at PSL to Murphy. His laws are best obeyed here!

Noticed one interesting real-time application of the Laffer Effect. The Tamil Nadu Govt has increased the Parking charges for four-wheelers from Rs.5 to Rs.10! This is persumably with the fond hope of increasing revenues. And techinically, this is really good- it targets ONLY the Upper Middleclasses and the upper classes, who actually own cars (Cars are STILL a luxury in India). But what happens is the irate car owner prefers to slip a Rs.5 coin. It should be interesting to note the change in revenues to the Government!

Gotta go. Work to do.


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