Ever have that feeling that life like a rollercoaster, driven along by everyone on board except yourself? Feels like it, sometimes. Its getting mechanical. And boring. And God knows what can be done about it. Wake up. bath. breakfast. bus (read). office. blog. mail. work. bus (read). home. Chores. dinner. bed. Everyday of the week! I hate this b*&** routine! But there doesnt seem to be anyway to change it! Sudeep once call me "A rebel who follows all rules". Which is a very painful classification to be in. You can neither accept whats happening nor can you take extreme measures to change what evers happening. Conformance is drilled in.
Finished Capt Corelli's Mandolin. Or rather, rushed through the last few pages- painful! The last 70-100 pages were even worse than the rest of the book! I never got my masterpiece, after all! :( Anyway, the leopard was highly4 acclaimed by my reading group. It cant possibly be bad!
Got two books yesterday. Met Sudeep who gifted me "The Great Indian Novel". An bought Mark Haddon's "The Curious Incident of the dog at night-time".
My earlier intro to Shashi Tharoor was through his "Riot". While I felt that that was an excellen piece of writing- the style was great, the writing, engrossing- I was disappointed because I felt the ended up playing to the gallery. Its a fact that neither the common muslim nor the common hindu in India wants the communal divide. If Tharoor had brought that out, Riot would have been terrific. But he ended up giving a pciture of the hindu who hates the muslim a) because he is basically from an alien land b)Because his forefathers have oppressed the hindus in their own land c)Because he built mosques where there were temples. and more in the same vein. How much more cliched could you get??
If tharoor's muslim in Riot is a very sane, balanced scholar (a professor of some sort), why is his hindu a fire-spitting fanatic? Doesnt Tharoor, as a writer, have a responsibility to give a balanced picture to the world? India is fated to be under divide and rule forever, I think. The british played off different petty kings against each other. The current leaders play off different relegions, castes and communities against each other. :(. Sad.
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Aish's Blog- interests include Philosophy, Reading, Music...
Previous Posts
- Still ploughing through capt. corelli. The problem...
- A Poem for laughs:: The Purist I give you now Pr...
- Just finished Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco. Did...
- whew! Just back from the US Consulate. Yours truly...
- THats one year of my life over! :(. Now at the Gra...
- GOt my first share investment this week- I was all...
- Check out today's Calvin & Hobbes: http://www.ucom...
- End of the week! AND Krishna's coming tomorrow! Yi...
- My post is really late this week. Almost at the en...
- A mad week! Totally hectic! and its just beginning...
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