Favourite movies
1. Casablanca - have watched this one soooo many times- and still cant stop myself from hoping Ilsa doesnt go with Victor, in the end.
2. Dances with the wolves - Such a brilliant picture of the red indians - proud, dignified, brave, colourful, vibrant
3. Robin Hood, Prince of thieves - okay, this is just the romantic in me! The movie wins simply because of "Everything I do" and Bryan Adams
4. Roman Holiday - again, cant help hoping she ditches the palace and goes away with Gregory Peck. Favourite scene- Hepburn getting her hair cut at the hair dresser's
5. Escape from Sobibor - Saw this movie when I was about 10 years old- and the long line of defeatist, naked women entering the gas chamber, and a young girl running away, being chased down by dogs - terrible images that stick with me till date
6. Matrix
7. Varumai Niram Sivappu - Am generally not too fond of tam movies, but most movies of Kamal hassan around this time are simply amazing. Very, very well played.
8. Philadelphia Story - okay, noting TOO great about this, but its such a fun movie!
9. Guess Whos coming to dinner - wish my mom were like katherine hepburns character in this movie. better still, wish I could be an as open minded mom to my daughter
10. Moondru Mudichu - Kamal Hassan, Rajinikanth & Sridevi team up for this excellent movie- a must watch
11. Ben Hur - how could i miss this one! Practically a universal favourite. And how anyone could every make out a sports car in the midst of the extremely engrossing chariot fight, I could never make out.
12. Sound of Music, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - all childhood favourites
13. Mili
14. Guide
15. Bahu Begum
16. Dil Chahtha Hai
17. Anand
18. Abhimaan - I almost forgot this!
19. Piya Ka Ghar
20. Chupke Chupke - have seen this one almost as many times as Casablanca- and NEVER seem to get bored with it! best watched in a group.
21. Jumanji
Am sure there are other, really good movies I have watched, which I would want to include here, but am not able to think about them offhand. Will have to get back to this post
Had to browse through my collection of MP3s to bring the hindi movies I have loved back to mind- so am still not sure if I have missed any.
Self Control
What I need the most. What I seem to have the least of.
Followed by patience.
The two are linked, anyway.
AND unmarried women do have better blog stories to write!
This site is hilarious
That must truly be amongst the most well written, entertaining blogs that I follow. I dont know what gave me the idea I could actually write! My prose seems to meander so much!!
When memories come creeping upon you
Some memories just leap upon you unawares- have been wanting to write about them for a looooong time now, and here goes:
1. Steve pulling my leg during Fr Jesurajan's "Presentation Skills" sessions - the creep.
Fr Jesurajan was making some extremely caustic remarks about how your accent gives away which part of the country you are from - he was specifically talking about a couple of guys with a very pronounced Eastern Indian accent. Steve being who he is, remarked that he could easily make out that I am Tam from my accent. I being who I am (too earnest, paranoid about my language, and generally too stupid to recognize jokes when I hear them), actually asked Jesurajan "What do you think I should do to improve my accent". The poor fellow must've been shocked. Here he is, lecturing away a la Prof Higgins to legions intent on murdering the language (last Part = last "F"art, Xavier = Jabier, abode = ah-bowd, crazy = crajee, please = pleej, and so on), and a perfectly respectable speaker of the language is asking for advice. He gave me a dirty look and dismissed me with - "Your accent is fine". A "Shoo, go away" was implied, but my intelligence wasnt up to catching that. It required a horrified "You actually went and ASKED him??" from Delna to realize that I might as well get the word "Jackass" tattoed on my forehead.
2. "Caste, Sex No Bar!".
Before you start laughing, this wasnt me. This was Sreela. My memories of childhood are littered with sreela-isms. the above was about a (then) trend in matrimonial ads, "Caste No Bar". Sreela was extremely appreciative of this- "Things are improving these days, you know- now a days, its all, "Caste no bar, sex no bar..". Other Sreela-isms include - "I think all the women, except the men, know you very well(!!)". And lots more, that I have to look back in my mind to remember.
A good hard look at myself
Usually avoid doing that- few of us feel comfortable looking at ourselves the way we REALLY are. Sud, you arent one of those, are you? That is probably one of the things that gives you the calm air you generally carry around yourself. If I were poetical, I would probably say, Sud is most like an oasis of tranquility in a sea of turbulent emotions. Sud is the Maughaum of my friends.
Some bad adjectives abt myself:
1. Irresponsible
2. Lazy
3. Tendency to intertia
4. Tendency to get bogged down by little things
5. Inability to know what I really want
6. Lack of the instinct to go after the things I really want
I started writing about the good adjectives about myself, and found I couldnt proceed! What have I become? There are several things i used to pride myself of being earlier - kind, fair, honest, generous... and in all honesty (!!!) I dont think they apply to me anymore. I seem to be more cynical, less intelligent, less honest... WHY?
Have to keep up with this.
From the Mouths of babies, Part II
From the Mouths of babies, Part II
Who else, but Abhi, the charmer...Abhi wants to take Sanjana back home to Nalia- because she smiled at him. He and Arjun will take care of her off school hours, and Krishna can take care of her during the day.
As for Aishu Chithi- She simply has to get fat again and have another baby (!!!).
Labels: Abhi/Juni, anniversary
General Notes
Theres a group in Polaris Hyderabad, calling itself the "Calvinos"!! Sheesh. Here I was, thinking I was more inclined to
Calvin and Hobbes because of my superior intellect! What a fall, from what I thought was my VERY HIGH perch :((.
On another note, do you think my copy of "Opal Mehta" will be worth some millions now that the book has been withdrawn?? :)). I feel sorry for that girl- six crammed months is waaaay too short for even experienced writers, and for a debutante?? In any case, most of the "plagiarized" passages are just too commonplace- either she really did internalize them (it is quite easy to internalize writing styles- I have the bad habit of unconsciously imitatitng ppl I move with), or she lifted them to boost up the witticisms in Opal Mehta. She doesnt sound dumb enough for the latter.
It was on my mind

And Calvin (in this case, Hobbes) expresses it perfectly!
Our past selves are (hopefully) always corresponding with our future selves. We do make an attempt at a reverse correspondence, when we try and imagine the "How-Would-I-Feel-Ifs", but nothing as 20/20 as Hindsight, of course! The perfect Ctrl-Y/Ctrl-z formula.
Words of wisdom, from who else, but Calvin

What else can one say, but "Indeed".