Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Amazing how you can get into victim mode

When you are the one doing the victimizing.


“I don’t mind competing in CAT (Common Admission Test) with general category students. The problem arises at the interview stage.
“We (OBC students) can’t speak chaste English like many of the general category students. That’s why the quota was so important for us,” said Rajesh

Poor baby. He doesnt mind competing CAT in the general category. How generous of him.

For jerks like Rajesh here, do you know how long I prepared for CAT? THREE FUCKING LONG YEARS. For three years, I constantly watched my grammar. I constantly looked up my diction. I consciously managed the way I spoke. And I did not get through at IIM A. I got an interview call, and failed the interview. You f***** jerk! What ever makes you think you are more entitled to get in that I am, just because I was born a "brahmin"?

And incidentally, just for the record, the board at the the IIMs wont fail you just because of poor english. If you want ot succeed, succeed on accountof hard work. Short cuts in life dont work. They mess up the system for ALL of us.

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At Thu Apr 19, 08:20:00 AM GMT+5:30, Blogger sudeep said...

You are so right...OBCs, blacks, Jews, women, gays...its so irritating to see so many hollering and demanding rights! I realise I sound like a right wing activist which I am not...I just want to point out that ya well, life is unfair, we are not all born equal. Its basically our spirit (and maybe yes, a bit of luck) that gets us where we are. Plenty of cases from so-called mainstream communities that are failures and vice versa. So there!!!

At Thu Apr 19, 08:23:00 AM GMT+5:30, Blogger sudeep said...

Especially when there are so many people who have genuinely got a bad deal from society and who need explicit help - the aged homeless...domestic abuse women...street children...aids patients...I would rather spend time and energy helping these groups out rather than doing ANYTHING for the perfectly healthy and economically sound!

At Thu Apr 19, 10:02:00 AM GMT+5:30, Blogger Aish said...

Hear, hear!

Glad you brought out the alternatives- the two fold problem with the stupid reservation scheme is, 1. Its fucking unfair 2. It diverts resources away from people who REALLY need them.

My fav story is the one about my classmate from school who was standing at the college I eventually joined. She asked the lady at the counter what her chances were of getting into B Com with 85%. An FC, she got a very dismissive "Forget it", with the typical Tam arrogance for someone who mightnt have scored EXCELLENTLY. The girl behind her, a BC with 65% got royal treatment

When I went to Tiruchendur (A very small temple town a few 100 KMs from Tirunelveli District in TN), there was this daughter of my dad's family's traditional "god guides". VERY conservative. Not only did she do her graduation in commerce (Which is a really bid deal in a community where guys dont study beyond class 10), she is thinking about an MBA in LIBA. Now tell me, who deserves societal support- this smart, courageous girl, who is doing all this with NO family support, or our hero Rajesh?


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